An Integrative Approach to Cancer Treatment
An Integrative Approach to Cancer Treatment
So, your pet has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Along with the shock and grief that follows is the loaded question – Where do I go from here? What cancer treatment do I choose?
Sometimes clients are given the option of going home on steroids and waiting it out for a few weeks. Some clients are offered referral to an oncologist for chemotherapy and radiation.
Does cancer therapy stop there? Is there nothing more that can be done in addition to chemotherapy and radiation that will help my pet have quality of life ?
Yes, there is more that veterinary medicine has to offer. As more and more people scan the internet and other sources for various ways to manage cancer, more options come to light. I have made a concerted effort to study and research the different treatment options. Quite interestingly I have come across scientific papers as well, that have been published to validate these therapies. There will always be conflict as to statistical data when we discuss evidence-based medicine.
In my humble opinion, if it does not harm but help, why not try it when we have reached the end of the road and exhausted all options!
It is important to understand that cancer therapy cannot be accomplished with one single approach. It has got to be a combination of treatment modalities designed to address the ravages of this disease on multiple organ systems.
As a veterinarian that practices integrative medicine I do not dismiss or judge the use of chemotherapy and radiation should my client wish to pursue these treatments. I think this is a personal choice that is made in the best interest of their pet. However, if I see severe adverse effects associated with any treatment, I will definitely bring it to their attention and provide solutions for mitigating these effects
Let us look at an integrative approach to cancer therapy;
- Oral steroids e.g. Prednisone to address the release of cytokines (substances that produce inflammation).
- Referral to oncologist for chemotherapy and radiation
- Mushrooms in the form of tablets or capsules to be used for life.
- Herbal formulations as powder, tablets or capsules tailored to individual patient needs
- Apocaps – All cells have a life span and then die a natural death. In cancer the cells continue to live beyond their life span. Apoptopgens encourage these cells to die.
- Cancer diet using raw or cooked food
- Oral vitamin and mineral supplements
- Low dose Naltrexone, Hoxsey formula etc depending on the type of cancer
- High dose intravenous Vitamin C and other vitamin therapy
- Use of homeopathic formulations to help with cellular function and help with removing toxins
- Pain management with homeopathy, herbs as well as acupuncture and chiropractic. When pharmaceutical drugs are indicated, I d not hesitate to use them in addition to the above for better quality of life.
- Oxidation therapies like ozone as IV injection, injections into tumours, as suppositories, infused topical ointments etc.
- UVBI (ultra violet blood infusions)
And now, coming to another critical question – what does all this cost and will I be able to afford this?
As the owner of an integrative practice, I frequently have pet owners coming to me as the last resort. By this time, they have usually exhausted all or most of their resources and cannot afford most of the above-mentioned treatments.
This blog is intended to educate pet owners on the different modalities available in the management of cancer. While it is true that there is a considerable degree of expenses involved these treatment modalities are just as important as chemotherapy and radiation and the more conventional approach. And it is up to you as the pet owner to decide if you would like to use your financial resources in an all-rounded approach.
As an integrative practitioner, I practise conventional medicine as well as alternative modalities. My veterinary school education focuses on examining, testing, formulating and implementing a treatment protocol. Diagnostic testing is an integral part of my approach to treatment in the form of blood tests, urine analysis, X-rays, biopsies, CT/MRI/Ultrasound etc. Diagnostics are important as it confirms my findings based on the pet’s history and my own physical exam findings. I combine my conventional medical approach with a Chinese medicine assessment and chiropractic evaluation.
As an integrative practice, we already offer in house laboratory testing and hope to be able to incorporate other diagnostic tests in the near future. I urge every pet owner to not accept only the palliative treatment options provided to you. I particularly urge you not to be defeated when you are asked to resign yourself to losing your pet in a few weeks or months after diagnosis. The body has incredible healing properties given the right ingredients., and cancer does not necessarily read textbooks and statistics and follow a prescribed course.
Please do not feel defeated when your pet is diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence. Use your discretion, research and above all use your financial resources wisely.
This ensures your pet has quality of life and you may have a few more years with your pet.